Stance on Generative AI.
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AI is a buzzword used to describe what is at the cutting edge of what a computer can do. It is important to distinguish generative AI from other AI, such that are used for research in medicine for example, which are genuinely useful. Generative AI, as it stands is built upon the largest theft of intellectual property, among other data in the entire human history. Just because a website is making content available, does not equal consent for training, which corporations ignore, and steal anyway. It's also worth considering the power consumption of training these models and generating with them that is quite significant and can also be a contributing factor to climate change. Climate change makes weather patterns more extreme, making summers hotter and more scorching, hurricanes, typhoons and other natural events more common. I have used generative-ai in the past, I won't lie about that, however I will refrain from doing so in the future. I don't claim any of the content made with gen-ai is mine. Because it's not. It's the product of the whole world in a sense. I typed text in, and I was left feeling empty - for I did nothing. Personally to me, the notion that the person who uses generative-ai to replace their workflow owns the creation is a bit infuriating. I consider all AI generated content to be in the public domain - since it's been trained on thousands if not millions of people's work, whom been never been asked if they agreed to it. Therefore it's a product of all humanity that the software outputs, and not one person's property in my view. I don't consider AI synthesized images to be art. - And there's a very major distinction between using it as a tool and using it to completely replace your work. It doesn't democratise art, much so replace it. Anyone can pick up a pencil, or a pen. Even disabled people can make very amazing things. The difference is between them, and those who use gen-AI, to me is the desire, and the effort. The only way I can tolerate AI-content is when it's not trying to be serious. I'm okay with AI generated content in memes. Flaming Shrimp playing basketball can be funny. Just don't pass it off as your own art, because it's not.
This is my request. Please do not scrape my little website, or my things. I do not consent to it. I know this won't stop you, but still I consider it important enough to state.